My previous entries have been nothing about the drama going on with my baby's father... but today I want to write about something bigger, and more important than the drama going on in my life...
At the beginning of the week while I was doing a Google search for the MTV show Teen Mom, another result came up that caught my eye. It read: "Police: Teen Mom Put Newborn in Trashbag - Las Vegas News Story". I, of course, clicked on the link to read more about this story.
Then for some odd reason, I decided to watch the news report video they had of it. By clicking the link to this video, it forever changed me. It wasn't the video of the teen mom that got to me, it was of another video that happened to be underneath it. This video broke my heart to pieces and opened my eyes. No child, or even adult person, deserves that sort of treatment. I'm not sure if I'm more aware and feel effected about this sort of abuse because I am a mother now, but I feel moved to try to make more people aware of it.
I want to strictly target abuse towards infants, the ones who cannot speak for themselves. It just breaks my heart that something so precious and innocent would ever have to feel any pain inflicted by the hands of another human being. I've started a Google search on infant abuse, and not much comes up, not even a site created specially for it. I think its because its combined in with the category with child abuse, which is it just that. I just feel abuse towards infant needs a voice of its own.
I know there are millions of cases of deaths of infants due to abuse, but I've only been exposed to a small handful, and so far that's been enough to move me to further educate myself and hopefully get to a point where I can educate others. So far, this article was the only thing I've read that has called out infant abuse, although it mostly speaks about the abuse from shaken baby syndrome, the most common form of abuse towards infants. I want to expose the other forms of abuse that exist.
This is a big project for me to organize and take on, but it is something I feel strongly passionate about doing. Babies need a voice, and I want to create one for them.
Baby Ina Jane McElheny & Brianna Mariah Lopez - both of your stories have inspired me. Neither baby deserved to die from abuse, but both of them did because no one spoke up for them.. no one was their voice. It saddens me that their lives were shortened so severely, but through their stories they are inspiring me to hopefully create a voice and save the ones who still have a chance.
Wow Kasey that is a really big project to take upon yourself but it's amazing! You can do it!
ReplyDeleteThe thought of infant abuse is very sad. As a mother you create this little miracle, go through the months of discomfort, hours of labor/pain, only in the end to hold this "perfect being"
You want everyone to treat your baby the way you would treat him/her. It's really sad to think someone would want to bring harm.
I do remember the news on Baby Ina....I'm sure Baby Brianna was just about the same....little angels!
I just need to stick with it! It's very easy to forget about an idea :( especially with so much going on... Oh and baby brianna's story is sooo sad :( you do not want to learn about that one...